
How to choose the right slitter rewinder for your business? It starts with the data.

Release Date: 01/17/2022

There are so many options in today’s converting world when it comes to slitter rewinders that it may be overwhelming trying to decide which style or features are right for your business.

To identify the proper solution, we must first identify the problem that needs to be solved.

  • Is your current machinery unable to produce the number of finished rolls needed per shift/week/month?
  • Are you experiencing a significant amount of downtime due to lack of features that could reduce setup time?
  • Are you able to operate at the maximum speed your material can handle?
  • Do the finished rolls have good edge quality? Proper formation?
  • Are you producing costly waste?
  • Is your packaging process causing a delay in getting the machine back up and running?

Once we identify the problem, the solution will start to come into focus with the right data. The Catbridge Machinery productivity estimator can help simply and quickly identify factors that have a significant impact on roll production. We can determine what improvement a new machine will bring over an existing one or compare a turret slitter rewinder productivity to a duplex winder with the same cutoff and transfer feature, for instance.

We end up with a picture of your business as a whole, including material, job, operator, and packaging considerations, so that we may provide a solution with the versatility, productivity and technology needed to give you the best possible results. We spend the necessary time getting to know your business needs, gathering data to support where your business is today and provide a solution that will fit your business for years to come.

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